

About My Site :)


Eekk, this page is what you want. Old site archive coming soon..

Rubylime doesn't really have a history, but I am a petz veteran, with probably about 8/9 ex-sites dating from when I was 10 to just last year. 

I got my Catz 3 CD at probably age 7, and have been playing ever since. I have grown in my knowledge of graphic making and HTML since my first site, which was a pre-made site from some B-list hoster. 

I'm not one for coding whole layouts, but do enjoy putting graphics together, which explains my current layout. I like to use a premade layout from webs/weebly, but then add my own stuff to it. I have coded a whole layout before, it was a pain in the ass. 

About the name:

I love words, and ruby and lime are two awesome words. Lime is like, my all time favorite word, idk why. I'm weird.

I tend to change the name of my site alot, as i said on my home page (if anyone bothered to read it, mehhh) just because i'l find a word that i really like and want to make a sign with. 

That's pretty much how 'RubyLime' came to be.